18 May FC Lakeside Cafe & Bar Launch
FC Lakeside are delighted with the progress made following the opening of the Café at Cold Pool Lane earlier this season. The club formed a small committee of volunteers before the start of the season where they explored the potential opportunity of creating a central place for social gatherings during training and fixtures at Cold Pool Lane. Despite struggling for volunteers the team started trading and the community café started to become a fantastic little hub for families and players to gather.
FC Lakeside Chairman Rob Griffiths commented “Our overall strategy from the start was to create a facility at Cold Pool Lane that could be used by the wider community. A central hub or Café/Bar was always in our plans and we are delighted with the progress made this season. The FC Lakeside Board are thankful for the handful of volunteers that have given up their time to get this fantastic Cafe off the ground this season”.
The club also made a Premise License Application this year which was successfully granted providing further opportunities to support the development of the project. A couple of recent events have seen strong numbers gather at the venue and publicity and further support is now crucial to the ongoing success of the Café/Bar.
FC Lakeside Director, Tim Stokes commented “Adding to the already successful Café, the Bar is now a location for our senior players and opposition to gather following a game. It also acts as a space for friends and family to meet and socialise in what is a fantastic setting at Cold Pool Lane in Hatherley.”
The Project has been spearheaded by lead Manager, Hannah Collis. Hannah has co-ordinated the opening of the Café/Bar and recently lead a small group of volunteers to decorate and spruce up the space ready to take it to the next stage. “We are just so excited about what we have been able to create this season but more importantly what is to come. It is all about bringing the football club and wider community together in a social setting and we are pleased with what we have been able to create” stated Collis.
The club are now looking for volunteers to support the future success of the Café/Bar. Upcoming social events, fixtures and gatherings are great opportunities to enhance what has already been a successful first season. If anyone is interested in supporting as a volunteer, or looking for further information then please do not hesitate to contact rob.fclakeside@live.co.uk or a club representative.